With over 750,000[i] people currently waiting for elective orthopaedic operations in England, there has never been a greater need for highly productive units working in partnership. Edge Health was therefore honoured to sponsor and present the Partnerships and Integration Initiative awardat the recent National Orthopaedic Alliance Awards event.
The winner of the award, South West Ambulatory Orthopaedic Centre (SWAOC) is the elective orthopaedic hub set up at the renovated Nightingale hospital in Exeter to deliver high-volume and low-complexity (HVLC) activity.
The SWAOC hub was formed from the national initiative to develop 91 hubs across the country and help drive down the backlog in elective orthopaedics. SWAOC won the award for its exceptional results, which included delivering over half (56%) of their activity as same day procedures – a rare, but critical achievement for managing limited inpatient bed capacity.
This outcome was driven by a clinical redesign of the facilities to best align with the hub’s goals and a multidisciplinary team that reviewed international best practice. To do this, the SWAOC team visited exemplar units, engaged with regional clinicians, and developed standardisation pathways of care to deliver better outcomes. As a result, fewer beds are taken up by patients recovering from surgery, reducing the burden on NHS resources more generally.
Jonathan Howell, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Devon University Healthcare said:
“This award and recognition by our peers of the fantastic results achieved by our multi-disciplinary team, has delighted all of us at SWAOC, and the many people in the wider Devon community who have contributed to this project. It is particularly fulfilling for us to have been recognised for our innovative approach to elective orthopaedics so soon after opening this year, and it is testament to the tremendous efforts of all those people who have given their precious time to work on this venture”
Jonathan Howell, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Devon University Healthcare
The elective hub and HVLC programme
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been increasing focus on the elective care backlog that has continued to grow. A solution that emerged from GIRFT in 2021 was the prospect of establishing elective activity hubs, like SWAOC, to rapidly deliver HVLC activity.
Work undertaken by Edge Health to support this programme looked at the opportunity for these hubs, and the capacity required to meet the potential demand. As a result, the policy received over £1.5 billion of funding for the next 3 years and in the last 9 months, over 90 hubs have been set up and are starting to deliver results.
Some of the hubs, like SWAOC, have demonstrated rapid results and now provide a template for others to learn from and follow – both nationally, in the NHS, but also internationally.
What can other orthopaedic departments learn from SWAOC
It is clear that system working, collaboration, and the development of new pathways have been core to the success of SWAOC.
Mary Stocker, Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay and South Devon NHS FT said:
“We are delighted to receive this NOA Excellence in Orthopaedics Award in recognition of the exceptional patient outcomes and innovative pathways delivered by the SWAOC multidisciplinary team. The volume of outstanding feedback we receive daily from our patients is a tribute to our team and the outstanding care they provide.
Mary Stocker, Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay and South Devon NHS FT
This and SWAOC’s ability to deliver over half of its activity as “same day”, and with only 1% staying longer than 24 hours, has enabled the unit to achieve patient flow. This patient flow has enabled the unit to deliver highly productive results with minimal cost and, arguably more importantly, less demand on people.
Edge has already worked with GIRFT to create a dashboard that enables Trusts to track their HVLC activity. As a result, the 63 orthopaedic hubs already set up in England can identify key areas of improvement in real time that will bring their surgical outcomes in line with the high-performing SWOAC hub.
Learn more
If you are interested to learn more about Edge Health’s work on HVLC pathways, and the NOA award, please do contact us directly at [email protected].
The HSJ Partnership Awards 2022 took place to celebrate and showcase those collaborations and partnerships driving transformation and improving patient outcomes across the NHS.
Following a rigorous judging process, Kaleidoscope and Edge Health were given the award in recognition of their innovative and collaborative partnership with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough sustainability and transformation partnership (STP).
The award winning collaboration supported the delivery of a digital service to improve diabetes remission and care. Edge Health supported Kaleidoscope to work with staff and patients to identify the key areas where they could create real change. As a result of the work, three primary care networks improved their performance and more than 400 additional patients received care. The model has now been rolled out to a further four areas.
The judges said:
“The enthusiasm of all involved in the partnership was infectious and really apparent. There is potential for it to be scalable across other health systems and other long term conditions. Qualitative data for local populations gathered and captured helped understanding how to remove barriers for practices in terms of communication and supporting patients with appropriate digital mediums.”
Dave West, Health Service Journal’s Deputy Editor congratulated the teams on their successful win:
“This year’s entrants displayed a varied range of projects and partnerships, all working together to benefit the nation’s healthcare sector. The winners were chosen after considerable deliberation on many success factors, but primarily on the innovativeness and commitment to healthcare.”
Clare Allcock who led the project at Kaleidoscope said:
“A lot of what we do is about relationships and helping people work better as teams, organisations and systems. So it is particularly lovely to get this award working in collaboration with brilliant people at Edge and Cambridge and Peterborough. This was a really rewarding project but this award is the icing on a fantastic cake.”
Restricciones de viaje en la UE: poca o ninguna eficacia en parar a ómicron
Hosteltur Online, 01/02/2022 23:11 …s países europeos para mitigar los riesgos para la salud pública y la sociedad que plantea la nueva variante de COVID-19 porque esta ya estaba circulando previamente a que fuera detectada.Un nuevo análisis producido por Oxera y Edge Health revela… …lisis producido por Oxera y Edge Health revela…
La IATA y ACI instan a eliminar las restricciones de viaje a los vacunados y recuperados
Bolsamania, 01/02/2022 10:16 Las restricciones en los viajes en Finlandia e Italia no han evitado la propagación de Ómicron, según un estudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que recogen la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA) y el Consejo Internacional de Ae… …tudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que re…
Viaggi all’interno della Ue: oggi in vigore il nuovo regime
Guida Viaggi Online, 01/02/2022 14:54 …ore, evidenziando l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai Paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19.Una nuova analisiUna nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
ACI e IATA sollecitano stop restrizioni vaccinati. A Fiumicino nuove regole per arrivi da Ue
Borsa Italiana, 01/02/2022 14:04 …tta in Finlandia e in Italia dimostra la validità dell’approccio incentrato sul viaggiatore e l’inefficienza delle restrizioni imposte dai paesi europei. ACI e IATA presentano i risultati della nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health , seco… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health , seco…
Europe’s governments urged to lift all travel restrictions for the fully vaxed
Airport World (Online), 01/02/2022 10:27 …f the traveller-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19.New analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
Individual-based travel restrictions begin in EU, but rules are “causing more harm than good,” ACI says
PAXnews, 01/02/2022 16:53 …idity of the traveller-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19.New findings from Oxera and Edge Health reve… …9.New findings from Oxera and Edge Health reve…
New research shows travel restrictions in the EU had little or no impact on the spread of Omicron
TravelDailyNews Greece, 01/02/2022 14:45 …f the traveller-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19.New analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
Travel restrictions fail to halt spread of Omicron, says new research
The Moodie Davitt Report, 01/02/2022 10:11 EUROPE. New research produced by Oxera and Edge Health reveals that pre-departure testing requirements have proved ineffective at limiting the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Analysis of testing restrictions imposed by Italy and Finlan… …esearch produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
AIR International, 01/02/2022 12:28 …y tabsNewsResearch shows Covid restrictions failedNew research has shown that EU travel restrictions had little or no impact on the spread of Omicron, prompting calls for their removal.Undertaken in Finland and Italy by Oxera and Edge Health , the… …inland and Italy by Oxera and Edge Health , the…
ACI Europe and IATA urge EU states to remove travel restrictions for vaccinated passengers
Passenger Terminal Today.com, 01/02/2022 16:39 …ity of the traveler-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by Covid-19.Analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
ACI Europe and IATA urge EU states to remove travel restrictions for all vaccinated passengers
Passenger Terminal Today.com, 01/02/2022 15:45 …ty of the traveler-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by Covid-19. Analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
Research shows travel restrictions in the EU had little or no impact on the spread of Omicron
ITIJ International Travel & Health Insurance Journal (Online), 01/02/2022 11:15 … regime, set out by an EU Council Recommendation adopted on 25 January, is based on the health status of travellers, rather than the epidemiological situation of their country or area of origin.The research, produced by Oxera and Edge Health , con… …search, produced by Oxera and Edge Health , con…
IATA y ACI Europa piden levantamiento de todas las restricciones
Caribbean News Digital, 02/02/2022 02:27 …, destacando la ineficiencia de las recientes restricciones de viaje impuestas por los países europeos para mitigar los riesgos para la salud pública y la sociedad que plantea el COVID-19.Un nuevo análisis producido por Oxera y Edge Health revela… …lisis producido por Oxera y Edge Health revela…
New research: EU travel restrictions had little impact on Omicron covid variant spread
Tornos News, 01/02/2022 20:49 …he traveler-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19.The new analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
Prime tracce di Omicron 2 nelle acque del Piemonte
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 20:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Spagna, superati 10 milioni di casi da inizio pandemia
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 20:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Norvegia: stop ad alcune misure restrittive, rimane obbligo mascherine
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 20:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Prima in Europa, la Danimarca dice addio a ogni misura
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 19:41 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 19:41 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 18:30 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 18:19 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
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Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 18:09 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 18:09 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
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Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:58 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:48 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
New Research Shows EU Travel Restrictions had Little Impact on Omicron Spread
ATN – Air Transport News, 01/02/2022 17:45 …of the traveler-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19.New analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve…
Regno Unito, 219 vittime nelle 24 ore, 112.458 nuovi casi
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:27 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
EU travel restrictions had ‘little or no impact’ on spread of Omicron, study shows
Real Time Brussels, 01/02/2022 17:20 …testing restrictions on all incoming travellers on 16 December and 28 December, respectively, but they made no distinguishable difference to the transmission of Omicron cases in those countries, the research produced by Oxera and Edge Health show… …esearch produced by Oxera and Edge Health show…
Spagna, in Catalogna dall’11 locali notturni aperti
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:17 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:07 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 17:07 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:36 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
In Abruzzo 3.823 casi e 3 morti, stabili i ricoveri
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:36 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
EU tavel restrictions had ‘little or no impact’ on spread of Omicron, study shows
Real Time Brussels, 01/02/2022 16:34 …testing restrictions on all incoming travellers on 16 December and 28 December, respectively, but they made no distinguishable difference to the transmission of Omicron cases in those countries, the research produced by Oxera and Edge Health show… …esearch produced by Oxera and Edge Health show…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:16 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:16 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Nel Lazio 287.015 casi positivi, 198 in terapia intensiva
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:06 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Abi, sportelli automatici accessibili senza limiti e vincoli
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:06 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Anche vaccini in mappe Ecdc, Ue resta in rosso scuro
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 16:06 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Oms Europa, quest’anno si può uscire da fase acuta pandemia
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 15:55 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
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Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 15:55 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Sileri, valuteremo stop limitazioni a positivi asintomatici
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 15:35 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Galli, «fine emergenza previsione ragionevole ma senza certezze»
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 15:35 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Vaccini: Lazio, superato 73 % popolazione adulta con booster
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 15:35 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Vaccini: Emilia-Romagna, somministrate più di 9,7 mln dosi e 2,3 mln booster
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:54 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Sileri, siamo in transizione fra pandemia ed endemia
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Cina, superati i tre miliardi vaccini somministrati
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:43 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Έναρξη ισχύος νέου καθεστώτος για ταξίδια εντός ΕΕ/ΕΟΧ από σήμερα, 1η Φεβρουαρίου 2022
Travel Daily News, 01/02/2022 14:38 …αμμίζοντας την αναποτελεσματικότητα των πρόσφατων ταξιδιωτικών περιορισμών που επιβλήθηκαν από ευρωπαϊκές χώρες στον μετριασμό των κινδύνων για τη δημόσια υγεία και την κοινωνία, που θέτει ο COVID-19.Νέα ανάλυση από την Oxera και την Edge Health … …Νέα ανάλυση από την Oxera και την Edge Health …
Burioni, «vaccino per under 5 potrebbe arrivare prima del previsto»
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:33 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Discoteche: Silb Toscana, ’fateci riaprire per San Valentino’
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:13 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Danimarca, focus su numero terapie intensive, incredibilmente basso
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:13 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Francia, migliora situazione, domani via restrizioni
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 14:02 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Basta restrizioni per i vaccinati: l’appello del trasporto aereo
L’ Agenzia di Viaggi Online, 01/02/2022 13:48 …re, evidenziando l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai Paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19.In aggiunta a ciò, un’altra analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Turismo do Algarve de olhos postos nos mercados dos Países Baixos
Publituris, 01/02/2022 13:25 …rições às viagens que foram adotadas na sequência da nova variante Ómicron e apontam vários estudos que mostram que essas “restrições são ineficazes” para limitar a disseminação da doença.“Novas análises produzidas pela Oxera e Edge Health revela… …ses produzidas pela Oxera e Edge Health revela…
New Research Shows Travel Restrictions in the EU had Little or no Impact on the Spread of Omicron
ATC Network, 01/02/2022 13:20 …f the traveler-centric approach, highlighting the inefficiency of recent travel restrictions imposed by European countries in mitigating the risks to public health and society posed by COVID-19. New analysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …ey results from the Oxera/Edge Health research… …nalysis produced by Oxera and Edge Health reve… …ey results from the Oxera/Edge Health research…
ΙΑΤΑ/ ACI EUROPE | Κατάργηση των περιορισμών στην ΕΕ για όλους τους εμβολιασμένους ταξιδιώτες – Τι έδειξε νέα έρευνα
Tornos News, 01/02/2022 13:09 …α βάσει μεμονωμένων ταξιδιωτών και όχι βάσει της χώρας προέλευσής τους, την οποία εισηγήθηκε το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο στις 25 Ιανουαρίου, επιβεβαιώνει νέα έρευνα που διεξήχθη στην Φινλανδία και την Ιταλία από τις εταιρίες Oxera και Edge Health και … …ία από τις εταιρίες Oxera και Edge Health και …
Stop restrizioni per passeggeri vaccinati: la richiesta del trasporto aereo
Travelnostop, 01/02/2022 12:40 …do l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”.Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 12:40 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
IATA e ACI Europe pedem levantamento de “restrições ineficazes” contra a variante Ómicron
AICEP Portugal Global, 01/02/2022 12:38 …rições às viagens que foram adotadas na sequência da nova variante Ómicron e apontam vários estudos que mostram que essas “restrições são ineficazes” para limitar a disseminação da doença.”Novas análises produzidas pela Oxera e Edge Health revela… …ses produzidas pela Oxera e Edge Health revela…
Costa (Salute): riservare tamponi solo per chi ha sintomi
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 12:20 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Medici di famiglia, stato di agitazione proclamato da 4 sigle sindacali
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 12:09 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
IATA i ACI Europe przekonują, że ograniczanie podróżowania nie daje żadnych pozytywnych efektów
TUR-INFO.PL, 01/02/2022 12:08 …podkreślając nieskuteczność ograniczeń podróży nałożonych ostatnio przez państwa europejskie w zakresie zmniejszania zagrożeń dla zdrowia publicznego i społeczeństwa, jakie stwarza COVID-19.Nowa analiza opracowana przez Oxera i Edge Health ujawni… …za opracowana przez Oxera i Edge Health ujawni…
Brunetta (Pa): “Per Italia in 2021 crescita record, in 2022 si può arrivare a +5%”
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:48 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
In Usa possibile vaccino Pfizer per under 5 da fine febbraio
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:39 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Regimenti (FI): Coronavirus sta diventando endemico, auspicabile un ritorno alla normalità
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:39 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Figliuolo: a gennaio più di 17 mln vaccinazioni, già con booster 33,5 mln
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:39 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:29 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Studio danese, sottovariante Omicron più contagiosa
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:28 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 11:08 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Agenas, occupazione intensive al 16%, in calo in 5 regioni
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 10:57 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Iata e Aci,via restrizioni per passeggeri vaccinati
Il Sole 24 Ore Online, 01/02/2022 10:57 …o l’inefficienza delle recenti restrizioni di viaggio imposte dai paesi europei nel mitigare i rischi per la salute pubblica e la società posti dal Covid-19”. Aci e Iata aggiungono poi che “una nuova analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel… …analisi prodotta da Oxera and Edge Health rivel…
Las aerolu00edneas piden eliminar restricciones: no han impedido la expansiu00f3n de u00d3micron
Head Topics España, 01/02/2022 10:46 …rolíneas piden eliminar restricciones: no han impedido la expansión de ÓmicronLas restricciones en los viajes en Finlandia e Italia no han evitado la propagaciu00f3n de u00d3micron, segu00fan un estudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que re… …tudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que re… …tudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que re… …tudio elaborado por Oxera y Edge Health que re…
Majorca Daily Bulletin, 01/02/2022 10:03 …rt Association (IATA) has urged governments to accelerate relaxation of travel restrictions as Covid continues to evolve from the pandemic to endemic stage.According to IATA, the results of a recently published study by Oxera and Edge Health demo… … published study by Oxera and Edge Health demo…
MailOnline, 05/01/2022 09:38 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Covid travel pre-departure tests for people entering UK set to be scrapped today
Mirror Online, 05/01/2022 08:46 …the UK”.”The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Covid LIVE: Macron shamed over ban on Brits as France hit by Omicron nightmare
Express.co.uk, 06/01/2022 00:36 …ch owns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK has suggested that scrapping international travel testing would not affect the spread of Omicron in the UK. The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Covid LIVE: Macron shamed over Brits ban as France hit by Omicron nightmare
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 20:55 …ch owns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK has suggested that scrapping international travel testing would not affect the spread of Omicron in the UK. The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Covid LIVE: Deaths breach 300 as hospitals fullest in 11 MONTHS – Omicron fears grow
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 17:14 …ch owns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK has suggested that scrapping international travel testing would not affect the spread of Omicron in the UK. The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
PCR tests scrapped for those without Covid symptoms
The Times (Online), 05/01/2022 16:53 …wns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports — and Airlines UK indicates that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron in the UK.
The analysis, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… …s, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Boost for holiday bookings as pre‑departure Covid testing to be scrapped
The Times (Online), 05/01/2022 13:39 …wns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports — and Airlines UK indicates that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron in the UK.
The analysis, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… …s, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Covid LIVE: Sturgeon’s restrictions ‘backfiring’ as Scotland’s rates higher than England’s
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 13:33 …ch owns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK has suggested that scrapping international travel testing would not affect the spread of Omicron in the UK. The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Boost for holiday bookings as pre-departure Covid testing to be scrapped
The Times (Online), 05/01/2022 13:04 …wns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports — and Airlines UK indicates that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron in the UK.
The analysis, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… …s, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… Keyword matches: “oxera”
Boost for holidays as pre-departure Covid testing to be scrapped
The Times (Online), 05/01/2022 12:49 …wns Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports — and Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron in the UK.
The analysis, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… …s, conducted by the Oxera and Edge Health cons… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Boris to to make travel announcement TODAY – industry fires warning over Covid rules
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 12:21 …te London Stansted and East Midlands airports, are calling for the removal of all testing requirements – claiming data shows they are not effective in reducing the spread of Omicron in the UK. The research, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, fou… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …, also conducted by Oxera, extra testing in re… …earch, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, fou… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Boris under pressure as travel industry fires warning over Covid restrictions
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 11:30 …te London Stansted and East Midlands airports, are calling for the removal of all testing requirements – claiming data shows they are not effective in reducing the spread of Omicron in the UK. The research, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, fou… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …, also conducted by Oxera, extra testing in re… …earch, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, fou… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel red list warning for British tourists looking to book ‘confusion for millions’
Express.co.uk, 05/01/2022 09:29 …“With the Omicron variant now representing 90 percent of Covid cases in the UK, there is no justification for pre-departure tests before travel to the UK, nor costly PCR testing upon arrival.“New modelling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… …lling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Aviation industry pleads for end to international travel tests
The Independent, 05/01/2022 07:57 …vember and early December respectively had little to no impact on Omicron case rates in the UK, compared to if the travel policy of a single day two antigen test had stayed the same,” they say.The research, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, sho… …earch, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, sho… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Covid day two PCR tests scrapped for travellers arriving in UK
Telegraph.co.uk, 05/01/2022 16:32 …lines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the omicron variant in the UK.
Domestic curbs only way to reduce omicron cases
The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel firms say scrap testing rules for UK-bound passengers because there is ‘no benefit’ now Omicron is rife
Telegraph.co.uk, 05/01/2022 16:27 …The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.
“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PCR to be ditched for travellers arriving to UK
Telegraph.co.uk, 05/01/2022 15:38 …r, Stansted and East Midlands airports-and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the omicron variant in the UK.
The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PCR tests to be ditched for travellers arriving in UK
Telegraph.co.uk, 05/01/2022 14:44 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Scrapping international travel restrictions would have no impact on case rates, …
Scotsman.com, 05/01/2022 08:44 …ut that the health secretary had already acknowledged that restrictions have significantly less impact once Omicron becomes the dominant strain.Travel restrictions ‘place jobs at risk’They said: “This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Scrapping international travel restrictions would have no impact on case rates, claims travel industry
Scotsman.com, 05/01/2022 08:42 …ut that the health secretary had already acknowledged that restrictions have significantly less impact once Omicron becomes the dominant strain.Travel restrictions ‘place jobs at risk’They said: “This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel news latest: Testing changes had ‘little to no impact’ on spread of omicron
Telegraph.co.uk, 05/01/2022 08:30 …erslade, chief executive of Airlines UK, and Charlie Cornish, chief executive of Manchester Airlines Group (MAG), in a joint statement as travel bosses call for all travel testing to be scrapped.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure travel tests to be scrapped
Standard.co.uk, 05/01/2022 10:06 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Testing rules set to change for travellers and holidaymakers arriving in the UK
Manchester Evening News (MEN) (Online), 05/01/2022 11:19 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure covid tests for people entering Scotland could be scrapped today
Daily Record Online, 05/01/2022 09:32 …oved.The pair wrote: “The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
International travel and holiday rules set to change again this week
Chronicle Live, 05/01/2022 10:51 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as December 8 that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Virgin Atlantic boss demands end to “unjustified” travel rules despite Omicron spread
CoventryLive, 05/01/2022 11:28 …th the Omicron variant now representing 90 per cent of Covid-19 cases in the UK, there is no justification for pre-departure test before travel to the UK, nor costly PCR testing upon arrival.”New modelling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel and holiday rules set to change again this week
CoventryLive, 05/01/2022 08:10 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure travel tests set to be scrapped by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps
Irish News, 05/01/2022 12:22 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel industry demands scrapping of international Covid testing requirements 1
The Press (York) (Online), 05/01/2022 07:58 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
COVID: Pre-departure tests and travel isolation scrapped in England
Yahoo! News UK & Ireland, 05/01/2022 22:12 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel industry demands scrapping of international Covid testing requirements
Yahoo! News UK & Ireland, 05/01/2022 22:12 …pitalisations in the UK”.“The rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure travel Covid tests set to be scrapped in England
The National, 05/01/2022 10:09 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
East Midlands Airport owners say international Covid testing requirements need to be scrapped
NottinghamshireLive, 05/01/2022 09:36 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as December 8 that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Welsh Government due to make a statement on Covid testing in Wales
WalesOnline, 05/01/2022 10:17 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure Covid tests for travellers returning to UK to be scrapped, PM confirms
LBC (Online), 05/01/2022 16:11 …the UK”.”The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …rch commissioned by Oxera showed extra testing… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …rch commissioned by Oxera showed extra testing… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Airlines call on Government to scrap all Covid testing for passengers
LBC (Online), 05/01/2022 09:47 …the UK”.”The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …rch commissioned by Oxera showed extra testing… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …rch commissioned by Oxera showed extra testing… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel news latest: Pre-departure tests set to be scrapped
MSN UK, 06/01/2022 04:39 …sting introduced for UK arrivals late last year had “little to no impact” on omicron case rates, compared to if the previous policy of a single Day 2 lateral flow test had remained in place, according to the research by Oxera and Edge Health. Mr … … to the research by Oxera and Edge Health. Mr … Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel sector hails ‘huge boost’ as Boris Johnson announces pre-departure tests to be axed
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 18:18 …, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK earlier indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel sector hails ‘huge boost’ as Boris Johnson announces pre-departure tests to be scrapped
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 18:02 …, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK earlier indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: asymptomatic people who test positive on LFT no longer need follow-up PCR in England
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 12:55 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: pre-departure tests for arriving travellers likely to be scrapped
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 12:16 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: Keir Starmer to miss PMQs after second positive test in less than three months
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 12:10 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel news latest: Testing changes had ‘little to no impact’ on spread of omicron
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 10:01 …rslade, chief executive of Airlines UK, and Charlie Cornish, chief executive of Manchester Airlines Group (MAG), in a joint statement as travel bosses call for all travel testing to be scrapped. “This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel red list warning for British tourists looking to book ‘confusion for millions’
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 09:50 …”With the Omicron variant now representing 90 percent of Covid cases in the UK, there is no justification for pre-departure tests before travel to the UK, nor costly PCR testing upon arrival.”New modelling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… …lling, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health on b… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel industry calls for removal of covid testing rules
MSN UK, 05/01/2022 08:53 …n the UK.”They said: “The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel news latest: Testing burden eased for UK travellers, but ‘damage already done’
Yahoo! Style, 05/01/2022 17:49 …sting introduced for UK arrivals late last year had “little to no impact” on omicron case rates, compared to if the previous policy of a single Day 2 lateral flow test had remained in place, according to the research by Oxera and Edge Health.Mr W… … to the research by Oxera and Edge Health.Mr W… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel news latest: Stricter testing rules had ‘little to no impact’ on spread of omicron
Yahoo! Style, 05/01/2022 10:23 …erslade, chief executive of Airlines UK, and Charlie Cornish, chief executive of Manchester Airlines Group (MAG), in a joint statement as travel bosses call for all travel testing to be scrapped.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel firms say scrap testing rules for UK-bound passengers because there is ‘no profit’ now Omicron is rife
Blacon Local Chat News & Information (Facebook Group), 05/01/2022 10:08 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This newest analysis by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … newest analysis by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel firms call for end to UK arrival tests ahead of today’s review
The Connexion, 05/01/2022 12:34 …l travel was felt by the sector from early December, with the recovery of passenger numbers at MAG’s airports falling by more than 30% after Omicron measures were introduced. “An economic impact study, also conducted by Oxera at the time, showed … …, also conducted by Oxera at the time, showed … Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Airport boss calls for change to covid holiday and travel rules
Staffordshire Live, 05/01/2022 15:25 …alisations in the UK, the Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: more than 20 health trusts declare critical incidents but No 10 says it’s not a good performance indicator
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 18:18 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: pre-departure tests for travellers to England to be scrapped; 194,747 new cases reported
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 16:34 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PMQs live: Boris Johnson challenged over rising bills and taxes; figures show 3.5m people in UK had Covid last week
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 15:28 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PMQs live: Boris Johnson faces Angela Rayner as figures show 3.5m people in UK had Covid last week
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 15:10 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PMQs live: Boris Johnson to face Angela Rayner as figures show 3.5m people in UK had Covid last week
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 15:00 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK Covid live: more than 3.5m people infected last week, with 1 in 10 in London
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 14:49 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK coronavirus live: 1 in 15 people in England had Covid last week, with 1 in 10 in London
GCN (Gay Community News), 05/01/2022 14:28 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK set to scrap pre-departure tests for arriving passengers
London South East, 05/01/2022 10:21 …hester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
COVID: Pre-departure tests for UK travellers and day two PCR tests on arrival scrapped
Manx Radio, 05/01/2022 16:28 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
COVID: Pre-departure tests for UK travellers and PCR tests on arrival scrapped
Manx Radio, 05/01/2022 16:16 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
COVID: Pre-departure tests for travellers returning to the UK to be scrapped
Manx Radio, 05/01/2022 09:46 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure tests for travellers returning to the UK to be scrapped
Manx Radio, 05/01/2022 09:34 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Luton Airport: Travel and holiday rules set to change this week
NorthantsLive, 05/01/2022 11:18 …the UK”.”The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.”This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Britské letecké spoločnosti a letiská vyzývajú na zrušenie testovania cestujúcich na COVID-19
Webnoviny.sk, 05/01/2022 20:00 …sledne zostať v izolácii až kým nedostanú jeho výsledok.Tí, ktorí nie sú úplne vakcinovaní, musia po príchode zostať v izolácii 10 dní.Airlines UK a Manchester Airports Group uviedli, že podľa výskumu konzultačnej firmy Oxera a analytickej spoloč… … konzultačnej firmy Oxera a analytickej spoloč… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
According to industry sources concerned about the Covid rules, Boris will announce his travel plans TODAY.
Brinkwire, 05/01/2022 14:02 …ny form of restriction was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” Manchester Airport Group CEO Charlie Cornish and Airlines UK CEO Tim Alderslade said in a joint statement.“This new research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… …s new research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure travel tests set to be scrapped Pre-departure travel tests set to be scrapped
John O’Groat Journal, 05/01/2022 09:50 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
How the rules on Covid testing are changing for overseas travel
ITV (Online), 05/01/2022 16:32 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicates that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Covid: Pre-departure travel tests for UK arrivals set to be scrapped
ITV (Online), 05/01/2022 12:34 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel industry demands end to international Covid testing
ITV (Online), 05/01/2022 07:45 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
MAG research backs restrictions removal call
AIR International, 05/01/2022 12:19 …the removal of all testing requirements on international travel would not impact the spread of Omicron in the UK.The research, commissioned by Manchester Airports Group (MAG) and trade body Airlines UK, and conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, sho… …study, conducted by Oxera at the time, showed … …ey conclusions from Oxera and Edge Health’s mo… …K, and conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, sho… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Pre-departure PCR tests scrapped for passengers arriving in England, PM confirms
Business Live, 05/01/2022 16:23 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
UK: Pre-departure tests for returning travellers to be scrapped
Euro Weekly News Online, 05/01/2022 10:08 …maining in isolation until a negative result is confirmed. Those who are not fully vaccinated must self-isolate for 10 days after they arrive.The industry have been calling for a change for some time citing reports from Oxera and analytics firm E… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …citing reports from Oxera and analytics firm E… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel industry says scrapping testing would have no real impact on Omicron spread
Gold (Online), 05/01/2022 07:45 …be removed too for the same reason and has now reiterated that plea.The trade body and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics firm E… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Covid: Pre-departure travel tests set to be scrapped
Oman GB News, 05/01/2022 09:56 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Desperate travel sector demands all international Covid testing requirements are scrapped immediately
TECHregister, 05/01/2022 07:43 …the UK”.“The Health Secretary rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any form of restrictions was significantly reduced once Omicron became dominant in the UK,” they wrote.“This latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Covid pre-departure tests for people traveling into Scotland may be scrapped today
Knews.uk, 05/01/2022 17:15 …The couple wrote: “The Minister of Health rightly acknowledged as early as 8 December that the value of any kind of restriction was significantly reduced when Omicron became dominant in the UK.“This latest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
HIGHLIGHTS & FULL EVENT VIDEO | Digital Markets Act Trilogue: Protecting the Consumer Interest
PubAffairs Bruxelles, 05/01/2022 15:38 … protecting the interest of European consumers are now available.The panel participants included Prof Annabelle Gawer, Chaired Professor in Digital Economy, University of Surrey, Gareth Shier, Economist and Principal of Oxera and Kayvan Hazemi-Je… …st and Principal of Oxera and Kayvan Hazemi-Je… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Travel samples before departure must be scrapped
Knews.uk, 05/01/2022 15:00 …ted and East Midlands airports – and the commercial agency Airlines UK indicated that the removal of all international travel tests would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
PCR will be dropped for travelers arriving in the UK
UkTimeNews.com, 05/01/2022 14:55 … Stansted and East Midlands airports – and the Airlines UK trade body indicated that the removal of all international travel tests would not affect the spread of the omicron variant in the UK. The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Welsh Government set to make Covid-19 testing statement
Daily Post, 05/01/2022 12:08 …nchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports – and trade body Airlines UK indicated that removing all international travel testing would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… … latest research by Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
The Welsh Government is due to make a statement on Covid testing in Wales
Knews.uk, 05/01/2022 11:55 …ted and East Midlands airports – and the commercial agency Airlines UK indicated that the removal of all international travel tests would not affect the spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.The analysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… …lysis, conducted by Oxera and Edge Health, con… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
COVID: Pre-departure tests for travelers returning to the UK to be scrapped Business news
Knews.uk, 05/01/2022 11:38 … be removed for the same reason, and has now reiterated this plea. The agency and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited research they had commissioned from consultancy firm Oxera and research firm Ed… …rch commissioned by Oxera at the time showed t… …atest research from Oxera and Edge Health clea… …om consultancy firm Oxera and research firm Ed… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Britské letecké firmy a letiská tvrdia, že zrušenie cestovných reštrikcií nebude mať vplyv na šírenie omikronu
Slovenská Iskra, 05/01/2022 11:30 … izolácii až kým nedostanú jeho výsledok. Tí, ktorí nie sú úplne vakcinovaní, musia po príchode zostať v izolácii 10 dní.Podobné článkyAirlines UK a Manchester Airports Group uviedli, že podľa výskumu konzultačnej firmy Oxera a analytickej spoloč… … konzultačnej firmy Oxera a analytickej spoloč… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Journey business says scrapping testing would haven’t any actual affect on Omicron unfold | Enterprise Information
PolishNews.co.uk, 05/01/2022 08:36 …ated too for a similar motive and has now reiterated that plea.The commerce physique and MAG – which operates Manchester, London Stanstead and East Midlands airports – cited analysis they’d commissioned from consultancy Oxera and analytics agency… …sis commissioned by Oxera on the time confirme… … newest analysis by Oxera and Edge Well being … …ed from consultancy Oxera and analytics agency… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Die Reisebranche sagt, dass Verschrottungstests keine wirklichen Auswirkungen auf die Verbreitung von Omicron haben würden | Wirtschaftsnachrichten
German Daily News, 05/01/2022 08:31 …afft werden sollten, und hat diesen Appell nun wiederholt.Die Handelsorganisation und MAG, die die Flughäfen Manchester, London Stanstead und East Midlands betreiben, zitierten Recherchen, die sie von der Beratungsfirma Oxera und dem Analyseunter… …ung, die damals von Oxera in Auftrag gegeben w… … neueste Studie von Oxera und Edge Health unte… … der Beratungsfirma Oxera und dem Analyseunter… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Outpatient video consultations report – press release
Outpatient video consultations can deliver a range of benefits to patients and the NHS, according to a research report by Edge Health published today 14 September 2021.
The report reviews 3 million video consultations over a year in one of the fastest roll-outs of a single technology in the NHS’s history. This took place in a matter of weeks across 171 NHS hospital trusts in England, involving more than 69,000 consultants and clinicians using a single NHS supported video platform.
Video consultations with patients increased from around 5,000 a month in March 2020 to 340,000 a month a year later in a wide range of areas, including mental health, orthopaedics, paediatrics, physiotherapy, neurology, maternity and reproductive medicine, respiratory, diabetes, ophthalmology and oncology.
“Not only did clinicians and hospital services adopt the technology at an impressive pace, but our research also found them using it in innovative ways, including in areas such as physiotherapy and emergency eye care”, stated Director at Edge Health George Bachelor, who led the research.
The report highlights the benefits of video consultations to patients – saving over the year a total of 4.64 million hours (530 years) inpatient travel and in-hospital waiting times and £40m in travel costs and parking charges. As a result, 3 million lost work hours were avoided saving the overall economy £108m in lost productivity. The report estimates fewer journeys to the hospital resulted in 14,200 tonnes of avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and 11 million fewer “single-use” PPE items, such as face masks, were consumed, saving the NHS over £1.1 million. The analysis also found that 1,730 hospital-acquired infections were avoided (not including COVID-19 infections) due to fewer visits to hospital sites.
Over 76% of clinicians were “positive” or “very positive” about video consultations with patients, 77% finding the national video platform “easy to use”. Research conducted earlier this year by Oxford University for NHS Scotland has also shown very high patient satisfaction rates with NHS video consultations [1].
Edge Health’s research also found in its regional analysis high levels of usage across a range of geographies suggesting broad patient appeal in both rural and urban areas.
“The pace and scale of video consultation adoption across NHS secondary care, as articulated in this report, is one example of this impactful transformation that began in March 2020 and continues today”, states David Probert, CEO at University College London, in a foreword to the research report.
“I have been amazed by the hard work and commitment of NHS staff across the country who have found new and innovative ways to quietly deliver and improve patient care in the most extraordinary circumstances.
“The challenge for NHS England and NHS Improvement is now to help trusts and systems raise patient awareness of video consultations as an option to them when they access the NHS.
“Only by showing patients the benefits of video consultations and backing this up with the necessary support to access care in this way will we be able to safeguard the progress made and realise further opportunities in how video technology can improve patient care”, added David Probert.
Dr Faisil Sethi, Executive Medical Director, Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust, said, “We led the way in adopting this technology, and we will continue to lead promoting its use to deliver great NHS care for our patients. In our varied geography, our service users, patients and clinicians appreciate the benefits, flexibility and convenience of video consultations.
“Whilst video consultations don’t replace face-to-face care where this is needed, they are enabling care that is more tailored to the needs of the people we care for in Dorset”, added Dr Sethi.
[1] Wherton and Greenhalgh (2021) Evaluation of the Near Me video consulting service in Scotland during COVID-19 2020, University of Oxford Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, p28-30.
Notes to editors
· Edge Health is a specialist firm that uses data and analytics to help the health and care sector to deliver better outcomes more efficiently. Read more about Edge Health here and our achievements here.
· The report is an independent evaluation of the outpatient video consultation pilot and rapid roll out of video consultations in NHS secondary care led by NHS England and NHS Improvement in response to COVID-19.
· Figures are based on activity on the Attend Anywhere video platform from 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021. Attend Anywhere is the video consultation platform that was procured and funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement as part of the COVID-19 response.
Ley de Servicios Digitales (DSA): la gran normativa europea que puede cambiar internet tal y como lo conocemos
Xataka, 30/11/2020 17:53
…plicables a plataformas como Twitter o Facebook deberían ser diferentes a las que se piden para controlar la App Store. Impacto que tendrá la Ley de Servicios de Digitales según el grupo ‘Alianza para Startups’. Imagen: Oxera A través de la consultora Oxera, el grupo ‘Alianza p… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Ley de Servicios Digitales (DSA): qué sabemos de la normativa europea que puede cambiar internet tal y como lo conocemos
Xataka, 30/11/2020 16:49
…plicables a plataformas como Twitter o Facebook deberían ser diferentes a las que se piden para controlar la App Store. Impacto que tendrá la Ley de Servicios de Digitales según el grupo ‘Alianza para Startups’. Imagen: Oxera A través de la consultora Oxera, el grupo ‘Alianza p… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Ley de Servicios Digitales (DSA): qué sabemos del gran proyecto europeo que puede cambiar internet tal y como lo conocemos
Xataka, 30/11/2020 16:11
…plicables a plataformas como Twitter o Facebook deberían ser diferentes a las que se piden para controlar la App Store. Impacto que tendrá la Ley de Servicios de Digitales según el grupo ‘Alianza para Startups’. Imagen: Oxera A través de la consultora Oxera, el grupo ‘Alianza p… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Heathrow’s transatlantic carriers spearhead pre-departure testing study
PoliticsHome, 30/11/2020 17:30
…tical and safe enough to replace quarantine and other travel restrictions. The number and scale of the carriers involved makes this the largest pre-departures study in the UK. Specialist oversight will be provided by Oxera and Edge Health, who…
…l author the study. have…
…will be provided by Oxera and Edge Health, who…
…l author the study. Oxera and Edge Health have… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Heathrow launches pre-departure testing trial
Travel Weekly, 30/11/2020 18:05
…eathow said the variations will provide “richer and more diverse data” to “strengthen the study’s conclusions”.It said the number and scale of the carriers involved makes this the largest pre-departures study in the UK. Oxera and Edge Health, whi…
…es study in the UK. Oxera and Edge Health, whi… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Transatlantic airlines spearhead Heathrow pre-departure testing study
Travel Daily Media, 01/12/2020 02:14
…ractical and safe enough to replace quarantine and other travel restrictions. The number and scale of the carriers involved makes this the largest pre-departures study in the UK. Specialist oversight will be provided by Oxera and Edge Health, who…
…l author the study. Oxera and Edge Health have…
…will be provided by Oxera and Edge Health, who…
…l author the study. Oxera and Edge Health have… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Euro Weekly News Online, 30/11/2020 22:50
…eathrow said the variations will provide “richer and more diverse data” to “strengthen the study’s conclusions”. It said the number and scale of the carriers involved make this the largest pre-departure study in the UK. Oxera and Edge Health, whi…
…re study in the UK. Oxera and Edge Health, whi… Keyword matches: “oxera” Article (Online)
Press coverage: Edge Health’s work on air passenger testing 2020
This is a short summary of media covering our work on air passenger testing. For any enquiries please contact us on 020 8133 4504 or [email protected].
The Government’s reliance on shoddy modelling is killing travel
George Batchelor, Telegraph op-ed, 22 October 2020
In mid-March, the number of reported Covid-19 infections were doubling every two- to three-days. So, 225 reported infections on the 10th of March quickly became 422 on the 12th of March taking the running total to 1,580.
The UK lockdown was announced on Monday the 23rd of March.
An additional 2,016 lab confirmed infections were reported on the lockdown day taking total reported infections up to 11,087.
Not everyone that catches the Covid-19 disease is tested, so reported figures are an underestimate of total infections. For example, on the 29th of March we estimated that up to 1.6 million people had the infection – this contrasts with national figure of 25,439 reported infections.
Anticipatory behaviour and perhaps concern over the seriousness of Covid-19 led to people social distancing ahead of the lockdown. But the lockdown remains the most effective measure at reducing the spread of the disease. (See chart below.)
Estimates differ, but between 0.5% and 1% of the people that are infected with the Covid-19 disease die. The progression of the disease means that it takes around two weeks from infection until death. This combined with some post-lockdown spreading of the disease in households and care homes means there is a lag between lockdown, hospital admissions and peak deaths.
Peak deaths occurred around the middle of middle of April. There are some oddities with the reporting of deaths that make it hard to give a precise date and number, but as of the end of April total reported deaths were 26,771 of which 21,031 were in hospitals.
There is a possibility that an earlier lockdown would not have been taken as seriously by the population, particularly without strong enforcement or the same level of credibility that came with 359 deaths. It may also have been harder to sustain in the long term, although with fewer people infected it may not have been necessary to maintain the lockdown for as long.
Our modelling of the impact of an earlier lockdown is set out below. This assumes that anticipatory social distancing, as with the actual lockdown, happened ahead of the lockdown. Had this not happened then the impact may have been lower. Based on this assumption, our estimates for the impact of an earlier lockdown on reduced hospital deaths relative to the 21,031 hospital deaths are as follows:
March 20th, 2020
Estimated deaths of 18,992
Estimated reduction of 2,039
March 16th, 2020
Estimated deaths of 12,617
Estimated reduction of 8,414
(earlier estimates are inherently hard to model accurately due to uncertainty about people’s willingness to social distance or enter lockdown)
These estimates are for hospital deaths only. So may underestimate lives that could have been saved in the community, although currently less is known on the spread of the disease in the community due to the lack of testing.
Press coverage of Edge Health’s work on the impact of large events during Covid-19
This is a short summary of international media covering our work on the impact of large events (mass gatherings) from Covid-19 during early and mid-March 2020. For any enquiries please contact George on 07980804956 or [email protected]
‘We were packed like sardines’: evidence grows of mass-event dangers early in pandemic
Liverpool’s clash against Atletico Madrid ‘led to 41 additional deaths’ as government failed to ban fans… while ‘Cheltenham Festival has also been linked to 37 coronavirus-related fatalities in data-modelling’