We provide operational managers with reliable and intuitive analysis and tools that help them plan capacity needs, track resource use and provide evidence to effect change.

We process and analyse information to enable management teams, regulators and governments to make better, evidence-based, decisions. Our approach to working with you and your data is built around three pillars of understanding: the data, the real-world context, and the outcome required. Outputs are built around compelling narratives with their foundations set in the data, and range from bespoke solutions to tried and tested tools we have developed to support operational planning.

Plan and make decisions based on robust data analysis and modelling. We help you navigate uncertainty and limited resources by developing a deep understanding of your context and opportunities for productivity. Our insights will support you make key decisions, even the toughest ones.

What We Do


Demand forecasting

Understand the drivers behind the observed demand to capture both unmet demand and invest wisely in the future.


Capacity modelling

Project the impact of changes in demand on capacity for effective future planning.


Bed planning and modelling

Follow patients through their journey in high time-definition for effective resource planning.


Workforce projections

Take stock of current workforce and build scenarios to foresee and plan for changes.


Theatre optimisation tools

Make the most of theatre resources by understanding how utilisation, scheduling and throughput can be optimised using data.


Cancer pathway management tools

Map cancer patients across the pathway to identify potential breaches well ahead of time and implement effective solutions.


Working with systems to plan and reconfigure services

Plan services around a clear understanding of needs and the market.

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