Plan and manage hospital beds more effectively

May 17, 2018 • Reading time 1 minute

Bed Planner is a planning tool to help hospital managers plan bed capacity, so that it is closely aligned to demand. This helps with the flow of patients through a hospital environment, by identifying potential bottlenecks.

By using routinely collected data, Bed Planner allows historic bed occupancy to be forensically modelled and decomposed. When this is combined with simulation modelling, it provides predictive analytics of how bed occupancy may change under a range of different scenarios.

These include for example capping length of stay in an emergency assessment unit at 24 hours – reducing bed occupancy in that unit, but increasing it elsewhere. Through these advanced analytics, Bed Planner can support: demand and capacity planning, bed reconfiguration, and operational bed management in real time.

A Case Study

Bed Planner was used to enable a bed reconfiguration in a large acute hospital. This reconfiguration was successful and ultimately enabled +98% success on the 4-hour A&E standard at the Trust.

Bed Planner provided a comprehensive understanding of the use of all beds across the Trust, including information on clinical co-dependencies. The simulation component

of the tool helped to analyse different configuration scenarios.

The Feedback

“A highly useful interactive demand and capacity planning model”

Director of Strategy

“We continue to use the output of the modelling for our bed capacity planning“

Chief Operating Officer


Edge Health are a specialist UK healthcare analytics consultancy that use data and insights to improve the delivery of health and care services, so that better outcomes can be delivered more efficiently.