Senior Analyst and MD

Lucia De Santis

About Me

Lucia is a qualified medical doctor who worked in the NHS for several years, in a variety of adult and paediatric specialties, most recently as a Paediatric Respiratory fellow at Evelina Children’s Hospital. Lucia has led multiple engagements supporting data driven improvement projects in the NHS.

Lucia has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the National Health Service and her first-hand clinical experience brings unique insights into clinically-focused analytic challenges, as well as a perspective aligned with clinical stakeholders. She has a range of experience in literature evaluation, data analysis and forecasting as well as project management and organisational skills.

She has recently led a number of engagements and has worked with senior clinicians, provided clinical insights, reviewed the literature, and contributed to the core analysis and development of an interactive dashboard for nationwide 10-year forecasting of demand across three clinical specialties, to aid system-level as well as national planning.